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versión On-line ISSN 2007-5936


SANCHEZ-MEDINA, Ricardo; ENRIQUEZ-NEGRETE, David Javier; ROSALES-PINA, Consuelo Rubi  y  RODRIGUEZ-PEREZ, Victor. Psychometric Properties of the Sexual Resilience Scale in Men with HIV (SRS-HIV). Psicumex [online]. 2023, vol.13, e594.  Epub 26-Feb-2024. ISSN 2007-5936.

The objective of this research was to validate the Sexual Resilience Scale in men living with HIV (ERS-HIV). 621 men diagnosed with HIV participated, the application was carried out individually in a specialized clinic for the care of people with HIV. The AFE grouped the items into three factors that explain 56.22% of the variance, being made up of 16 items. Subsequently, the CFA was made, confirming the structure of three factors. In addition, evidence of convergent validity is presented, finding a positive relationship between the consistency of condom use and the Scale. The internal consistency was greater than 0.70 in each of the factors. Terms of how the scale has adequate psychometric properties and that it can be used in men diagnosed with HIV are discussed.

Palabras llave : sexual resilience; HIV; men; validation; condom use.

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