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Problema anuario de filosofía y teoría del derecho

versión On-line ISSN 2448-7937versión impresa ISSN 2007-4387


CORNEJO PLAZA, María Isabel. Pharmacological Cognitive (Neuroenhancement): Reflexions from Juridical Perspective. Probl. anu. filos. teor. derecho [online]. 2021, n.15, pp.511-546.  Epub 31-Mayo-2022. ISSN 2448-7937.

This paper aims to reflect on the existing interfaces between a novel practice called pharmacological neural enhancement (neuroenhancement), concerning neuroscience, neuroethics and, neurolaw, describing the effects that this practice produces in the cognition of healthy subjects, and how its consumption is being problematized by the specialized literature, at various levels, among these the literature describe the ethical aspects, distributive justice aspects and the legal aspects in the different sources of law, both at a functional and conceptual level.

Palabras llave : Pharmacological Cognitive Neuroenhancement; Modafinil; Neurolaw; Neurociences; Neuroethics.

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