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Revista mexicana de ciencias agrícolas

versión impresa ISSN 2007-0934


SANCHEZ TOLEDANO, Blanca Isabel; ZEGBE DOMINGUEZ, Jorge A.  y  RUMAYOR RODRIGUEZ, Agustín F.. Proposal to evaluate the process of adoption of technological innovations. Rev. Mex. Cienc. Agríc [online]. 2013, vol.4, n.6, pp.855-868. ISSN 2007-0934.

It is of importance to the institutions involved in the development of the livestock sector to know the extent of adoption and speed with which technological innovations are accepted by users. I.e., how a novelty or technological innovation is no longer experimental and is transformed into a practice commonly used in the social sector. Response variables and the number of observations that integrate the samples under study provide valuable information for the diversity of topics that can be studied. However, the investigated response variables are normally expressed at different qualitative scales. Therefore the information is analyzed inappropriately or it is presented descriptively. Therefore, the aim of this proposal is to present the use of statistical techniques to analyze and evaluate the process of adoption of technological innovations. The proposed methodology includes qualitative scales to be analyzed with multivariate techniques such as the multivariate normality test, principal component analysis, clusters and canonical correlation. The use of these statistical tools exemplified by a study of technology adoption made with barley producers.

Palabras llave : multivariate analysis; survey design to barley producers.

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