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Nova scientia

versión On-line ISSN 2007-0705


SALAS-PEREZ, Lilia et al. Biophysics and nutraceutical quality of tomato fruits produced with organic substrates. Nova scientia [online]. 2016, vol.8, n.17, pp.310-325. ISSN 2007-0705.

The growing concern of the public about the negative effects of agricultural activities on the environment has caused that crop production; it is being more sustainable way; especially in the management of fertilization. About compost; it is an organic fertilizer used as a source of nutrients and as a component of substrates in protected agriculture. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different substrates based on composted cattle (C) mixed with river sand (A) on the performance and biophysics and nutraceutical quality of tomato fruits produced under conditions in greenhouses. The percentages of the substrates were: 25:75; 50:50; 75:25 of compost and sand (C:S). The control was used Steiner nutrient solution in sand. The variables evaluated were yield; average fruit weight; polar and equatorial diameter; thickness of pericarp and soluble solid total (biophysics quality). The nutraceutical quality was determined by analyzing lycopene and antioxidant activity. The highest yield and the better biophysic quality of the fruits were presented with the use of conventional nutrient solution. Instead; the fruits obtained from compost: sand 75:25 obtained the highest values of soluble solids and antioxidant capacity; 12.5% higher soluble solids and 27% higher antioxidant capacity compared with those obtained with Steiner nutrient solution. Compost with sand combination for use as organic substrate is a viable organic greenhouse tomato production alternative as performance and quality are acceptable. Also; due the potential for use in certified organic agriculture; users will eventually be able to achieve premium prices and improve the cost / benefit ratio; providing a potential competitive marketing for the producer; while reducing the use of inorganic inputs with what it contributes to the preservation of the environment.

Palabras llave : Organic substrates; Solanum lycopersicum; lycopene; antioxidant capacity.

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