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vol.8 número15Repensando el debate sobre migración y desarrollo bajo el capitalismo neoliberalLa sociedad civil migrante: diez tesis para el debate índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Migración y desarrollo

versión impresa ISSN 1870-7599


CASTLES, Sthephen. Migración irregular: causas, tipos y dimensiones regionales. Migr. desarro [online]. 2010, vol.8, n.15, pp.49-80. ISSN 1870-7599.

Irregular migration is essentially a result of the mismatch between the labour demand in destination countries and the ability or will of governments to establish legal migration channels. Migration has become highly politicised in many countries, and politicians often claim to keep out low-skilled migrants so that they appear to be defending national sovereignty, while turning a blind eye to dangerous and exploitative forms of irregular migration that meet employer demands. This contradictory approach is most obvious in the USA, where there are over 11 million irregular residents, but irregular migration can be found all over the world. This article explores the reasons for irregular migration, the forms it takes and its extent in different regions. No migration wants to have an irregular status, because it leads to denial of worker and human rights. It is up to governments to work together with migrant associations and the other civil society organizations to ensure that migration can take place under conditions of legality, safety and dignity, and that the rights of migrants and their communities can be fully recognized.

Palabras llave : Irregular Migration; destination countries; exploitation worker rights; migrant associations.

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