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 número68La continuidad de las devociones barrocas coloniales en la Guadalajara del siglo XIX (Zapopan y El Refugio)El Museo Universal y La América (1857-1860): dos estilos periodísticos diferentes y una misma perspectiva americanista al servicio de la burguesía liberal española índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Tzintzun. Revista de estudios históricos

versión On-line ISSN 2007-963Xversión impresa ISSN 1870-719X


CEJA ANDRADE, Claudia. A view at the armed forces of Mexico City through military records and trails, 1824-1859. Tzintzun. Rev. estud. históricos [online]. 2018, n.68, pp.77-103.  Epub 18-Mar-2020. ISSN 2007-963X.

The purpose of this article is to offer some reflections that derive from a work of quantification of the military records —a document that until now has been little studied— and the military trials made against the soldiers accused of some crime. The crossing of information from two documentary supports has been able to know some more detailed characteristics of the men who entered the armed forces.

Palabras llave : armed forces; recruitment; social composition; desertion; Mexico City.

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