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Región y sociedad

versión On-line ISSN 2448-4849versión impresa ISSN 1870-3925


CRUZ ESTRADA, Isaac. Implementing relational marketing in a coffee selling company in Baja California. Región y sociedad [online]. 2018, vol.30, n.71. ISSN 2448-4849.

The aim of this investigation is to propose a relationship marketing process in a coffee selling company in Baja California as a case study. First, relationship marketing is conceptualized and its contribution to the creation of value in organizations is analyzed; moreover, empirical studies from various authors, who point out the influence of this process on customer satisfaction, are included. 149 surveys were conducted in order to obtain the correlation between the guarantee to offer a product or service and value generation by delivering tangible and intangible elements for customer satisfaction. This proposal belongs to the company where the research was carried out; it can be adapted to organizations which offer a service and are in the situation studied.

Palabras llave : relationship marketing; strategy; customer satisfaction; value creation.

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