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Enfermería universitaria

versión On-line ISSN 2395-8421versión impresa ISSN 1665-7063


RODRIGUEZ-SANTAMARIA, Y. et al. Type 2 diabetes mellitus among men: psychological factors influencing self-care efficacy. Enferm. univ [online]. 2020, vol.17, n.1, pp.28-41.  Epub 22-Dic-2020. ISSN 2395-8421.


The global prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus among men is high; and these patients need to follow self-care routines. Therefore, knowing the factors which can affect their level of compliance is an important issue for nursing.


To identify the relationship between demographic and clinical variables such as anguish and depression, and self-care efficacy in men suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus.


This a transversal and correlational study on a sample of 96 men with type 2 diabetes mellitus who were registered in 13 health centers. The instruments used were the Questionnaire of Actions of Care in Diabetes, the Self-Efficacy for Diabetes Scale (SED), the Mexico Center of Epidemiological Studies of Depression Scale (CES-D), and the Diabetes Distress Scale (DDS).


Self-care was positively correlated to self-efficacy, and negatively correlated to diabetes-related anguish and depression. Variables which accounted for 47.7% of the self-care variance were: self-efficacy (β = .39), alcohol consumption (β = -.29), number of hours sitting or standing (β= -.27), years of being diagnosed (β= -.22), and age (β =.18).


The sample demonstrated a low level of diabetes self-care which included risky behaviors. This attitude could be a result of the patients’ beliefs, lifestyles, and/or type of job.


The findings provide evidence on the factors which can influence self-care among men with type 2 diabetes. These results can orient nursing professionals while providing patient attention. Further related studies are suggested in order to help improve efficacy in type 2 diabetes self-care.

Palabras llave : Self-care; self-efficacy; men; type 2 diabetes mellitus; México.

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