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vol.16 número3Capacidad de marcha y dependencia funcional en adultos mayores con alteración visualPaso de guardia en enfermería: Una revisión sistemática índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Enfermería universitaria

versión On-line ISSN 2395-8421versión impresa ISSN 1665-7063


GIJON-ALVARADO, M.  y  MUGGENBURG-RODRIGUEZ VIGIL, M.C.. Instruments measuring nurse-patient communication. Enferm. univ [online]. 2019, vol.16, n.3, pp.303-312.  Epub 11-Feb-2020. ISSN 2395-8421.


Given the importance which communication has in healthcare of quality, nurses have been concerned about the assessment of professional interactions with their patients.


To identify instruments measuring the nurse-patient interactions in order to assess the quality of attention provided within an interpersonal dimension.


The related literature was reviewed by consulting the Scielo, Medline, Redalyc, BVS and CINHAL databases. 25 articles researching on the design, validation, application, and adaptation of instruments measuring nurse-patient communications in diverse services and levels of care were selected.


Selected articles were classified into three groups: a) application and validation of instruments; b) adaptation and validation of instruments; c) design and validation of instruments. Nine articles make reference to the application and validation of instruments, 10 make it to adaptation and validation, and 6 make it to the design and validation.


Although diverse articles addressing the issue have been designed, validated, applied and adjusted, challenges in this research area still exist regarding new strategies which can diagnose and offer alternatives to improve the communication between the nurses and their patients in the daily nursing practice.

Palabras llave : Health communication; nurse-patient relations; nursing care; psychometrics-nursing; Mexico.

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