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vol.16 número4Autómata Evolutivo (AE) para el mercado accionario usando martingalas y un algoritmo genéticoRiesgo de mercado en Portafolios mexicanos previo a la crisis COVID-19: Portafolio de renta fija vs Portafolio de capital índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista mexicana de economía y finanzas

versão On-line ISSN 2448-6795versão impressa ISSN 1665-5346


CLIMENT HERNANDEZ, José Antonio; SANCHEZ ARZATE, Gabino  e  ORTIZ RAMIREZ, Ambrosio. G20 α-stable portfolios: Empirical evidence with Markowitz, Tobin and CAPM. Rev. mex. econ. finanz [online]. 2021, vol.16, n.4, e533.  Epub 06-Jun-2022. ISSN 2448-6795.

Objective: This research extends Markowitz, Tobin, and CAPM optimal portafolio with α-stable processes. Methodology: The following procedures are performed on a portfolio with the G20 stock indices: 1) descriptive statistics and α-stable parameters of index returns are estimated, 2) a goodness-of-fit test is applied to validate the α- stable processes, 3) the covariation matrix is estimated to calculate the optimal portfolio assignments, and 4) the systematic risk indicators are estimated. Results: The efficient frontier is calculated without short sales and shows that α-stable portfolios present greater aversion to risk than Gaussian portfolios, and that α-stable portfolios are more efficient with respect to the return and risk ratio. Recommendations: The application of α-stable processes to model leptokurtosis, asymmetry and volatility clusters. Limitations: The α-stable multivariate analysis presents different stability parameters. Originality: G20 returns are modeled with α-stable processes and a sensitivity analysis is performed. Conclusion: α-stable analysis allows to quantify market risk more adequately than Gaussian analysis.

Palavras-chave : Optimal portfolio; risk measure; α-stable distributions.

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