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vol.19 número80MiRA: Una experiencia de comunicación pública de la ciencia y la tecnología en torno al patrimonioHuertos escolares como espacios para el cultivo de relaciones índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Innovación educativa (México, DF)

versão impressa ISSN 1665-2673


SANTIAGO JIMENEZ, María Evelinda; LAZCANO HERRERO, María Eugenia  e  HERNANDEZ NOLASCO, Lilián. Critical evaluation of technological education. Innov. educ. (Méx. DF) [online]. 2019, vol.19, n.80, pp.137-160. ISSN 1665-2673.

Technological education has for a long time been based on material success. This has resulted in a growing sphere called the technosphere. Currently, the technosphere and the biosphere are locked in an intense conflict; unfortunately, the biosphere is losing this battle. This paper uses critical reflection as a method to argue for the inclusion of ethical evaluation in all technology courses. The objective is to highlight the construction of a technosphere that is in harmony with the biosphere, and technological education possesses the elements necessary for this to occur. Therefore, the ethical evaluation of technoscience, would enable students to determine if their technological designs and constructions would negatively impact society and the environment. As a conclusion, the study proposes the creation of a transversal green line that would serve as a connection between the biosphere and the technosphere, through educational activities that bring students closer to the reality that nature has limits.

Palavras-chave : Biosphere; ethical evaluation; externalities; technology education; technosphere.

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