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versión On-line ISSN 1665-1456


GONZALEZ-GARCIA, L.C. et al. Bioregulators induction changes in size, color and cuticle of table grapes berries. Biotecnia [online]. 2023, vol.25, n.2, pp.113-119.  Epub 25-Ago-2023. ISSN 1665-1456.

The irregularity of the color and the small size of berries in the Sonoran Desert table grapes represent a challenge for their export. The effects of the application of bioregulators at veraison were evaluated on the size, weight, color and cuticle changes in the berry of table grape cv. “Flame Seedless”. Eight treatments were evaluated: TEST (Control), ETH1 (Ethrel 100 mg L-1), ETH2 (Ethrel 250 mg L-1), AS (salicylic acid 100 mg L-1), MEL (melatonin 25 mg L-1) and the combination of ETH2+AS, ETH2+MEL and AS+MEL. A higher weight was obtained in berries treated with MEL, ETH2+MEL and AS+MEL (4.75, 5.46 and 5.14 g respectively), while the control weighed only 3.75 g; similar behavior was presented in the size of the berries in which they reached a superior caliber with the MEL and combinations treatments. The highest color index (CIRG) was obtained in ETH treated berries with values greater than 2.0, while the other treatments were lower, but no treatment reached the optimal CIRG (4-5). No differences (p ≤ 0.05) were observed in the content of intracuticular waxes, permeability and thickness of the cuticle; on the other hand, in the content of epicuticular waxes, the control (0.64 mg cm-2) was significantly higher than treatments and significantly lower in cuticle weight. The applied treatments did not sufficiently stimulate anthocyanin biosynthesis to produce a significant increase in color in treated grapes, although an improvement in berries size was observed without affecting cuticle properties.

Palabras llave : Flame Seedless; CIRG; anthocyanins; cuticular waxes; cuticle.

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