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versión On-line ISSN 2007-7033versión impresa ISSN 1665-109X


LOREDO ENRIQUEZ, Javier; GARCIA CABRERO, Benilde  y  ALVARADO GARCIA, Francisco. Identificación de necesidades de formación docente en el uso pedagógico de Enciclomedia. Sinéctica [online]. 2010, n.34, pp.1-16. ISSN 2007-7033.

This paper reports the results of a research project conducted during the 2007-2008 school term, whose objectives were: 1) To make a diagnosis of the way teachers are using the Enciclomedia (EM) program in Mexico City"s primary schools, 2) to identify and analyze good practices in the use of EM, and 3) to identify training needs of teachers in relation to the use of EM as a pedagogical tool. A convenient sample of 127, 5th, and 6th grade teachers were interviewed; and thirteen lessons, conducted by teachers whose classes were considered as "good practices", were video recorded; two of these sessions are reported in this paper. The results revealed that most teachers use EM as a content repository or as a teaching resource in addition to those traditionally used, such as books or the blackboard, and not as an educational mediating tool to support knowledge construction processes (Rückriem, 2003). The limited use of EM is related to deficiencies in the teachers" training processes, which in turn affect the low level of appropriation of the use of technologies shown by most of the teachers.

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