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vol.19 issue53Postmodern subjects, subjects in extreme defenselessness?: The extermination of the others: mercantilism, wars, genocide author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Espiral (Guadalajara)

Print version ISSN 1665-0565


PACHECO RIVAS, Juan. The Mapuches: social change and assimilation of a stateless society. Espiral (Guadalaj.) [online]. 2012, vol.19, n.53, pp.183-218. ISSN 1665-0565.

The current conflict between the Mapuche people and the Chilean State includes complex and structural dimensions. The imposition of a territorial dominion by the State led to a condition of poverty, reduction and social transformation of a society. The structural transformation may be seen as a mechanism of resistance and adaptation of its social institutions. Those structures may be referred to as transition structures. Thus the current political conditions between the State and the Mapuche people can be regarded as a structure that is maintained to prevent the end of a culture.

Keywords : territory; lof; loncos; transition structures; resistance.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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