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vol.16 número3Motivación y disposiciones: enfoques alternativos para explicar el desempeño de habilidades de pensamiento críticoConsumo cultural del libro y la lectura en estudiantes de secundaria en Jalisco índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista electrónica de investigación educativa

versión On-line ISSN 1607-4041


RAMIREZ GARCIA, Antonia; CORPAS REINA, Carmen; AMOR ALMEDINA, María Isabel  y  SERRANO RODRIGUEZ, Rocío. What am I capable?: Self-Assessment of Basic Competences. REDIE [online]. 2014, vol.16, n.3, pp.33-53. ISSN 1607-4041.

The aims of this research are focus in evaluate linguistic communication and mathematics competences of students in sixth grade of primary education from their perception, and to develop a valid and reliable questionnaire in order to perform a self-assessment. The methodology has quantitative, descriptive and correlational character. In this research 1424 students from 46 schools in Cordova and its province participated. The results show that variables such as gender, age, number of siblings and type of center have influence for a better or worse self-assessment of students; but extracurricular activities undertaken by students and the increased weekly time devoted are those which cause a greater appreciation of each competence. On the other hand, a lower daily use of television, computer and games console allows that students make a self-assess more capeble to different aspects of both competences.

Palabras llave : Based competences; self-assessment; primary education.

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