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On-line version ISSN 2448-5144Print version ISSN 1607-050X


TOZZINI, María Alma  and  CRESPO, Carolina Flavia. Development on the Outermost Periphery. Forestry Projects and Memories of Dispossession in Northwest Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Desacatos [online]. 2018, n.58, pp.116-131. ISSN 2448-5144.

This article analyze, from an ethnographic perspective, the outcome of development projects on small and remote regions of Northwest Chubut. Based on the reports of those who were affected by these policies, the stories obtained from officials and workers in this context, as well as the review of state documents, we examined the complexities involved in this process at a local level. We aim to specify how the actions of forestry companies operating in this region at that time, within the framework of these national and provincial development policies, led to the severe conditions of use of land and its resources and, in some cases, to the partial or total dispossession of peasants and indigenous families from land with no title deed.

Keywords : forestry development projects; the periphery; peasants and Mapuches; Northwest Chubut; Comarca Andina del Paralelo 42° Region; Argentinian Patagonia.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )