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América Latina en la historia económica

versión On-line ISSN 2007-3496versión impresa ISSN 1405-2253


HONORATO, Cezar  y  HONORATO, Lucas Tavares. The Construction of the Port of Rio de Janeiro and the Caixa Especial dos Portos: Territorial Reordering and Development. Am. Lat. Hist. Econ [online]. 2020, vol.27, n.3, e1075.  Epub 22-Dic-2020. ISSN 2007-3496.

The purpose of this article is present the first results of Global South Project. Puertos y desarrollo económico y social en el Atlántico Meridional (1850-2010) and the Project Acervo Documental da spu with the support of the Fluminense Federal University and the Inter-American Development Bank (UFF/BID, Portuguese acronyms). In this sense, we analyze the construction of Port of Rio de Janeiro through the Caixa Especial dos Portos and the new Economic Ports Community, at a time when Brazil definitely enters the global maritime network. Also, we present a reflection about the possibilities of using mainly the cartography and the administrative processes as sources due to the fact that it’s unprecedented documentation; as well, we analyze the performance of Caixa Especial dos Portos in the treatment of large companies installed in the new port region and its unfolding.

Palabras llave : Port of Rio de Janeiro; Caixa Especial dos Portos; territorial reorganization.

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