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vol.24 número74Peruanos en Córdoba: migraciones, talleres textiles y prácticas comunitariasAlfabetización mediática y discurso publicitario en tres centros escolares de Guayaquil índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 2448-5799versión impresa ISSN 1405-1435


HASBUN-MANCILLA, Julio Octavio; ALDUNCE-IDE, Paulina Paz; BLANCO-WELLS, Gustavo  y  BROWNE-SARTORI, Rodrigo. Framing climate change in Chile: discourse analysis in digital media. Convergencia [online]. 2017, vol.24, n.74, pp.161-186. ISSN 2448-5799.

This article presents a discourse analysis of four digital media press in Chile with regard to mitigation and adaptation to climate change. The research, unprecedented for the Chilean case, is aimed at acknowledging the news framings by means of which climate change is communicated, since the media are the main source of information on climate change for decision makers and citizens. The results show that the primary definers of the topic are the governmental actors of national level and the invisibilization of individuals and civil organizations in the process. Thus, we see a high degree of consensus between the visible actors with regard to the framing of economic opportunity and the absence of framings of critical ecology. The conclusions point that this imbalance might influence a design of public policies with a technocratic bias, losing the possibility of building an integral vision of the development of the country.

Palabras llave : climate change; communication; framing; adaptation; mitigation.

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