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On-line version ISSN 2448-5799Print version ISSN 1405-1435


MINGUEZ-ALCAIDE, Xavier. A multi-stakeholder dialogue process for peace in the Basque Country. Convergencia [online]. 2017, vol.24, n.73, pp.37-60. ISSN 2448-5799.

The article presents a dialogue process within the framework of the Basque Country conflict. Taking the proposals of systemic conflict transformation approach, a scene of dialogue was designed to generate consensuses on the fundamental issues that involves peace in Basque Country. After exposing the study’s theoretical foundation, the article explains the elements and phases of process of ongoing dialogue. Later, it presents consensuses obtained on the questions worked, that is, reconciliation and coexistence, memory and historical narrative, the political dimension of conflict, citizen participation for peace, victims and prisoners. Finally, the paper presents recommendations for peace in Basque Country, as the participation of all stakeholders, the adoption of the human rights as common floor for peace, the disarming of ETA and the transformation of penitentiary and counterterrorism policy.

Keywords : Basque Country; systemic conflict transformation; peacebuilding; multi-stakeholder dialogue; Open Space Technology.

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