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vol.15 issue48Liberalismo y democracia en la perspectiva de Norberto BobbioIntervención institucional y aprendizajes de las niñas y niños empacadores en las tiendas de autoservicio de Tijuana, México author indexsubject indexsearch form
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On-line version ISSN 2448-5799Print version ISSN 1405-1435


FAVILA CISNEROS, Héctor. Salud y enfermedad en la ciénega del Chignahuapan: un estudio paleopatológico del antiguo Valle de Toluca, México. Convergencia [online]. 2008, vol.15, n.48, pp.51-69. ISSN 2448-5799.

During the Epiclassic period (700- 900) in the old marshy zone of the Chignahuapan Swamp in the Upper Lerma basin, now the head of municipality Santa Cruz Atizapan, State of Mexico, an island society with a lacustrine way of life was developed, in which the interrelations' equilibrium was determined by the swamp resources' use and the marshy difficult conditions. The skeleton morphoscopic analysis from the burial archaeological site "La Campana Tepozoco", shows a series of pathological evidences which allow us to learn the general health conditions of former inhabitants of the place. The present research approaches the knowledge of the diverse conditions of existence, where the way of life impacted on health and nutrition of this population's members, dwellers of the marshy zone of the old Valley of Toluca Swamp.

Keywords : bio-anthropology; lacustrine way of life; Epiclassic period; stress; cribra orbitalia.

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