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vol.28 número2El alcance de los enfoques de vulnerabilidad y pobreza para la definición de la población objetivo en programas sociales índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Gestión y política pública

versión impresa ISSN 1405-1079


BELTRAN JAIMES, Luz Dary; CARDENETE FLORES, Manuel Alejandro  y  DELGADO LOPEZ, María del Carmen. Economic Impact Assessment of the Oportunidades Program Through Multisectoral Analysis: Mexico 2012. Gest. polít. pública [online]. 2019, vol.28, n.2, pp.315-350.  Epub 30-Mayo-2020. ISSN 1405-1079.

This research analyzes the economic effects of Oportunidades on all sectors and their impact on poverty and inequality in Mexico, through linear general equilibrium models. Important results have mainly affected the sectors due to the elimination of transfers from the program for the tertiary sector. This affects the total output of the economy, the first five deciles of households, and recreation, rental housing and other services. In addition, both moderate and extreme poverty would increase by less than one per cent while inequality continue to submit the same initial proportion.

Palabras llave : poverty; distribution of income; social development; input-output table; welfare economy.

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