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vol.21 número1La externalidad de red en el mercado móvil en México: Análisis y conclusiones de política públicaModelos de microsimulación para el análisis de las políticas públicas índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Gestión y política pública

versión impresa ISSN 1405-1079


DELAMAZA, Gonzalo; ROBLES, Claudia; MONTECINOS, Egon  y  OCHSENIUS, Carlos. Public Policy Networks and Social Participation Agendas during the Post-Transition in Chile: Challenging Politics or Recreating its Limitations. Gest. polít. pública [online]. 2012, vol.21, n.1, pp.45-86. ISSN 1405-1079.

The paper discusses the opportunities available to strengthen citizenship in Chile, within a context marked by the limited spaces for social participation defined by the institutional arrangements prevailing in the country. The paper first goes on to describing the main agendas of social participation included within the social policies that have been implemented during the process of transition to democracy Then we examine the public policy networks that have reached incidence at the local and national level. It is argued that despite the fact that these networks have not produced a new political actor, they show novel forms of local political action. However, these networks are still limited in their impacts, which can be explained due to three main issues: endogenous factors, the fact that they are relatively disconnected from the current political practices and the failures of the institutional design of the agendas for social participation that have prevailed in the country.

Palabras llave : agendas of social participation; policy networks; democratization; local networks.

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