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Historia y grafía

Print version ISSN 1405-0927


GAMINO MUNOZ, Rodolfo. Memories of political violence in Latin America: tensions and complementarities. Hist. graf [online]. 2019, n.52, pp.267-299. ISSN 1405-0927.

This paper analyzes some dilemmas and debates that the academy has held about the memories of political and social violence established in a context of alternation or transition from an authoritarian or dictatorial regime to a democratic regime. These dilemmas and debates were centered on a memorialist culture in Latin America and will be analyzed from the subaltern memories and counterhegemonic memories as opposed to the Unofficial Memory Initiatives (INOM). In the final reflection a series of arguments will be explained as to why, unlike the analyzes of the INOM, the analytical models of the hegemonic, counterhegemonic and subaltern memories are usually insufficient for the analysis of the memories that on the political violence prevailed and recently reign in Latin America.

Keywords : Political violence; memories; counterhegemonic memory; subaltern memory and Unofficial Memory Initiatives.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )