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versión impresa ISSN 0188-8897


CERVANTES-HERNANDEZ, Pedro  y  EGREMY-VALDEZ, Aideé. Variation of shrimp total catch related to the geographic distribution of sediments at fishing zone 90, Gulf of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. Hidrobiológica [online]. 2013, vol.23, n.1, pp.111-123. ISSN 0188-8897.

The fishing zone 90 is located in the Gulf of Tehuantepec and this is composed of five sub-sectors from S-91 to S-95. The "Oaxaqueña Coast" is located between Salina Cruz City and The Boca de Tonalá (in the Mar Muerto lagoon sytem), where the S-91 and S-92 sub-sectors are located. The " Chiapaneca Coast" is located between the Boca de Tonalá and Puerto Chiapas, where the S-93, S-94 and S-95 sub-sectors are located. From S-91 towards S-95 sub-sectors the total catch of shrimp resource increased from 160 to 1,030 Kg, coincided with a descendent gradient of gravel and an ascendant gradient of mud (g). Sand was present in all sub-sectors, but was not dominant at the coast level except towards the oceanic front. Based on geographic information system techniques, at the fishing zone 90 two shrimp harvest sub-systems were observed and delimited. The first of those is the "Oaxaqueña Coast" where was recorded a lower shrimp catch level with gravel dominant in the S-91 sub-sector and a gravel-sand mix in the S-92 sub-sector. The second the " Chiapaneca Coast" where was recorded a higher shrimp catch level with mud dominant in the S-93, S-94 and S-95 sub-sectors. In this last place, shrimp resource showed an ecological distribution aggregate (Negative Binomial). Estimated correlation between total catch of shrimp resource and mud was significant (R = 0.867, p < 0.05) but it was not significant with gravel and sand.

Palabras llave : Catch; Chiapas; Gulf of Tehuantepec; sediments; shrimp.

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