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Print version ISSN 0188-2872


GONZALEZ CRUZ, Edith; RIVAS HERNANDEZ, José Ignacio  and  TORRES ROJO, Luis Arturo. An approach to the process of urbanization in Baja California Sur during the porfirian period: the case of San Jose del Cabo. Tzintzun [online]. 2013, n.58, pp.71-98. ISSN 0188-2872.

The purpose of this paper is to explain the process of urbanization in Baja California Sur during the porfirian period, specifically in San Jose del Cabo, A town, which is located at the southern part of the peninsula. We resumed the idea that urban is a space that is characterized by the existence of a regular merchant trade, political and administrative function and relatively differentiated social organization. The text is divided into four sections where you can see that the urbanization process involved a legal order as the basis of the organization of space and the provision of public services.

Keywords : San Jose del Cabo; urbanization; space.

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