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Revista mexicana de sociología

On-line version ISSN 2594-0651Print version ISSN 0188-2503


VACCAREZZA, Leonardo Silvio. Utility Relations in Social Research. Rev. Mex. Sociol [online]. 2009, vol.71, n.spe, pp.133-166. ISSN 2594-0651.

This paper analyzes the dimension of utility and the use of knowledge produced by social research within the framework of relations between academic researchers and non-scientific social agents. It postulates that in social research, these relations are more heterogeneous and variable than in natural science research and that therefore, reflection on the utility of knowledge should be based on different concepts and analytical categories. Using information from interviews with research groups, the author constructs descriptive categories of patterns of utility relations as an initial approach to the complexity of the problem.

Keywords : social research; usefulness of knowledge; commitment; exchange of gifts; social intervention.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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