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vol.24 número47Nexos transfronterizos y educación formal de la población joven urbana en la frontera norteFactores de vulnerabilidad de la clase media: Evidencias para Argentina y México luego de las crisis de los años noventa índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Frontera norte

versão On-line ISSN 2594-0260versão impressa ISSN 0187-7372


GERBER, Philippe; KLEIN, Olivier  e  CARPENTIER, Samuel. Local Movility and Cross-Border Periurbanization. Frontera norte [online]. 2012, vol.24, n.47, pp.63-88. ISSN 2594-0260.

Applied to the Luxembourg cross-border metropolitan area, the analysis of local mobility system, bringing together interactions between commuting and residential mobility, creates a better understanding of the spatial consequences related to functional specialization and the development of a so-called cross-border periurbanization. Thus, from the conceptual links between urban sprawl and metropolisation enhanced by a unique mapping approach, it has been possible through the use of different data sources, to note three major processes. First, the employment area of the Grand Duchy has greatly expanded in recent years. Furthermore, if the capital has a deficit balance in terms of local residential mobility, it proves to be the main entrance of migrants. Finally, the border has two distinct roles. The first is attractive in terms of mobility between home and work. The second role of the border is both a barrier and a magnet: the dominant trend is to get closer, while accompanied by relatively low cross-border relocations.

Palavras-chave : Daily and residential mobilities; vector fields; cross-border regions; periurbanization; Luxembourg.

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