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vol.15 número29Crisis, migración y estructura de empleo en Baja CaliforniaEl papel del capital humano y el aprendizaje en las microempresas de base social en Baja California índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Estudios fronterizos

versión On-line ISSN 2395-9134versión impresa ISSN 0187-6961


PEREZ CRUZ, Jorge Alberto; CEBALLOS ALVAREZ, Guadalupe Isabel  y  COGCO CALDERON, Adolfo Rogelio. The factors that explain the major agglomeration of the industry of high technology in the north border of Mexico: the case of Matamoros and Reynosa. Estud. front [online]. 2014, vol.15, n.29, pp.173-206. ISSN 2395-9134.

In the last three decades the geographical distribution of manufacturing change substantially, prompting new concentrations, particularly in the high tech industry. In this sense, the aim of this study is to know and analyze from the perspective of pecuniary and technological externalities factors that explain the change in the agglomeration of high-tech manufacturing. To do so, a questionnaire was applied to 55 manufacturing facilities located in Matamoros and Reynosa in Tamaulipas. The results indicate that the highest concentration of hightech industry has been motivated mainly by the geographic location of the municipalities, access to unskilled labor and cheap availability of urban infrastructure, among others. This means that there is no evidence for the pecuniary and technological externalities determine the agglomeration of high-tech industry in these cities.

Palabras llave : manufacturing; high-tech; agglomeration and externalities.

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