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vol.24 número66Las cuotas de género y la representación política femenina en México y América LatinaLas medicinas tradicionales en el noroeste argentino: Reflexiones sobre tradiciones académicas, saberes populares, terapias rituales y fragmentos de creencias indígenas índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Argumentos (México, D.F.)

versión impresa ISSN 0187-5795


BENAVENTE CHORRES, Hesbert  y  PASTRANA BERDEJO, Juan David. Seguridad pública, proceso penal acusatorio y juicio oral. Argumentos (Méx.) [online]. 2011, vol.24, n.66, pp.277-313. ISSN 0187-5795.

The amendment to the Constitution of the United Mexican States on June 18th 2008, has led to the adoption of the adversarial system prone to adversarial as a paradigm of Mexican criminal justice. This has also led to the adversarial system adopted in the federal state during eight years counted with the cuoted constitutional reform. In this regard, the study aims to establish the relationship between the criminal justice model to the issue of public safety, on the understanding that the population claiming a climate of stability and tranquility for the exercise of their rights, demands have certainty that anyone who commits a crime will be judged through a criminal proceeding fair, expeditious and transparent so that the new criminal procedure adopted should meet the tasks mentioned above. Therefore, through this study will demonstrate that the adversarial criminal process by regulating the trial, presents the basic conditions that contribute to the maintenance of public security cited above.

Palabras llave : public safety; adversarial system; trial.

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