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Revista mexicana de micología

versão impressa ISSN 0187-3180


MORENO-SARMIENTO, Maribel et al. Airborne fungal spores from an urban locality in southern Sonora, Mexico. Rev. Mex. Mic [online]. 2016, vol.44, pp.11-20. ISSN 0187-3180.

In this first study on aeromycota from the state of Sonora, Mexico, the airborne fungal diversity of Ciudad Obregón was determined and quantified with a Hirst-type sampler according to internationally accepted methods (Spanish Aerobiology Network). Spearman statistical correlations between the dominant fungal taxa and several meteorological parameters were established for the dry (January-May) and wet (June-December) seasons for two sampling periods (January-December of 2008 and 2011). The annual fungal indices for 2008 and 2011 were 917 and 1,690 spores, respectively. The dominant spores during both years were Alternaria, Cladosporium and Aspergillus/Penicillium. Statistically significant positive correlations were obtained between the total spore count with precipitation and relative humidity. This study highlights that the dominant genera in arid zones are Alternaria, Aspergillus/Penicillium and Cladosporium, which is similar to other regions. However, in cities with arid climates that are surrounded by crops, Alternaria is dominant, followed by Cladosporium and Aspergillus/Penicillium in smaller proportions. This finding could be related to the systematic use of fungicides in agricultural regions and the selective effect of these agrochemicals. The consequences of fungicide use on human and crop health must be evaluated. Aspergillus/Penicillium does not exhibit a seasonal pattern when studied using the Hirst method.

Palavras-chave : aerobiology; Ciudad Obregón; semiarid environment; Yaqui Valley.

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