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vol.23 número66El psicoanálisis, la hermenéutica del sujeto y el giro hacia la ética en la obra tardía de Michel FoucaultLa masculinidad desde una perspectiva sociológica: Una dimensión del orden de género índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Sociológica (México)

versão On-line ISSN 2007-8358versão impressa ISSN 0187-0173


FERNANDEZ PONCELA, Anna María. Las mujeres y su relación con la política institucional. Sociológica (Méx.) [online]. 2008, vol.23, n.66, pp.27-70. ISSN 2007-8358.

This text is a broad, historical review of the relationship between women and (institutional) politics, with special emphasis on the current situation in our country, without disregarding theoretical and empirical reflections and contributions from other latitudes. Its aim is to describe and interpret how women won the right to vote and how they have exercised it; how electoral legislation in this sphere has evolved and how many women have been elected and where they fit in the country's political set-up; what the political culture of women citizens is like, what their electoral preferences are, how they vote and whom they vote for; plus an examination of affirmative action strategies. That is, it seeks to offer a complete, though general, panorama of this topic.

Palavras-chave : women; citizenship; institutional politics; number of posts; political culture.

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