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On-line version ISSN 2395-8464Print version ISSN 0186-0348


HERRERO, Fabián. The Intervention of the Friar-writer Castañeda in an Armed Movement with National Impact: The 1828 Coup Led by Juan Lavalle. Secuencia [online]. 2015, n.91, pp.37-66. ISSN 2395-8464.

In Buenos Aires in December 1828, an armed contingent led by Juan Lavalle took power by force. This had numerous consequences: in the provinces, the federal administration ended and the provincial president Manuel Dorrego was killed, and federal and unitary forces had a military confrontation, leading to a rural uprising and enabling Juan Manuel de Rosas to rise to power in the province. At the national level, the disappearance of the caudillo from Buenos Aires gave the coup de grace to the Convention of Santa Fe, as until those days of intense activity the capital had predominated politically and sustained the national reunion economically. In political terms, the event not only brought misfortune to the province but also affected the relationship between provinces, and in particular the survival (or rather, the almost certain demise) of this deliberative meeting. This paper focuses precisely on this territory in which the National Convention developed, and explores the intervention of the writer Francisco Castañeda.

Keywords : Coup d'état; Buenos Aires; federalism; unitarians; politics.

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