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Revista mexicana de fitopatología

On-line version ISSN 2007-8080Print version ISSN 0185-3309


FLORES-BAUTISTA, Rodrigo et al. Performance of native accessions of Carica papaya inoculated with PRSV-p using Aphis nerii. Rev. mex. fitopatol [online]. 2019, vol.37, n.1, pp.147-158.  Epub Aug 21, 2020. ISSN 2007-8080.

Tolerance to the papaya ring spot virus (PRSV-p) may exist in native Carica papaya plants. The response of 13 native papaya accessions (Acc) and the commercial variety Red Maradol to the incidence and severity of the PRSV-p, inoculated with the vector insect Aphis nerii, and their relation with the observed plant management during their collection were evaluated. Acc were collected in the wild, in backyards or in production fields. Three months old-plants were infected with the virus. Disease incidence and severity were measured nine times weekly. Acc 203 and 205 showed the lowest disease severity index (1.0), followed by 147a and 60 (both with 1.7), 94a (2.0) and 197a (2.2); Acc 64a (2.5) and 150 (2.8) reached intermediate severity, followed by 65 and 210b (with 3.3), and by 80, 169 and 188a (with 4.3). Red Maradol variety showed the highest severity index (4.8). In relation to the management in which plants were collected, mean severity in Acc coming from the wild was significantly lower (P=0.032) than in Red Maradol, although they were not different from Acc coming from cultivated orchards or from backyards. It is possible that PRSV-p tolerance genes might be found in wild Acc.

Keywords : incidence; severity; tolerance; aphids.

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