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Estudios de historia moderna y contemporánea de México

versión impresa ISSN 0185-2620


SIFUENTES SOLIS, Marco Alejandro; ACOSTA COLLAZO, Alejandro  y  GARCIA DIAZ, Jorge Refugio. The “Plano de las Colonias.” From Physical Corporality to the Sacralisation of Space. The City of Aguascalientes and its Eastern Expansion at the Beginning of the 20th Century. Estud. hist. mod. contemp. Mex [online]. 2020, n.60, pp.145-181.  Epub 14-Mar-2022. ISSN 0185-2620.

In this text we propose an alternative reading of the symbolic aspects of urban traces face to face the published historiography, by focusing the “Plano de las Colonias” of the city of Aguascalientes (Samuel Chávez, 1901). Our approach is based on the Cultural History theory and the theoretical-analytical perspective of hermeneutics, particularly the analogical one. Based on first hand graphic sources and historical documents, a system of meanings about the human body in the urban space is proposed. The meaning system is twofold: the physical-hygienist and the symbolic, under whose light it turns out that the plan entails both a kind of sacralization of the body and embodiment of the divine. These meanings remain in “latency state” in the syntactic organization of the elements of the urban space emphasized by the planner.

Palabras llave : Urban Cultural History; Analogical Hermeneutics; Plano de las Colonias; corporality; urban space.

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