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Estudios de cultura maya

versión impresa ISSN 0185-2574


RUZ, Mario Humberto. Landscapes and Characters of the South Mexican in the Work of Arthur Morelet: A Reading Invitation. Estud. cult. maya [online]. 2020, vol.55, pp.183-224.  Epub 09-Dic-2020. ISSN 0185-2574.

In the genre designated "travel literature", which reflects the impressions that our country and its people raised in foreign visitors, the book by French naturalist Pierre Marie Arthur Morelet, Voyage dans L'Amerique Centrale, L'ile de Cuba et le Yucatan (Paris, 1857), certainly occupies a place of honor given the quality of his landscape descriptions, the sharpness of his observations on the socioeconomic situation of Southern Mexico, his significant reflections on culture (rooted in his encyclopedic training) and the excellence of his pen. This article is an invitation to read his work, in the light of its recent full publication in Spanish.

Palabras llave : Arthur Morelet; travel literature; Southern Mexico; nature; Maya culture.

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