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vol.19 número54Los límites de lo queer: la reivindicación identitaria de una persona transgénero y sus estrategias genérico-escénicas ante la parentalidad no esperadaDel estereotipo a la performatividad del género en una secuencia de El lugar sin límites (1977), de Arturo Ripstein índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 0185-1659


LEWIS, Vek. Volviendo visible lo invisible: hacia un marco conceptual de las migraciones internas trans en México. Cuicuilco [online]. 2012, vol.19, n.54, pp.219-240. ISSN 0185-1659.

In research on the life experiences of trans people in Mexico, the topic of internal migrations undertaken when trans women are forced because of police and civilian violence and persecution to flee from one municipality or state to the next has not been substantially explored. Several key works examine the motives and impacts of migrations of trans women who leave Mexico and other countries crossing national borders in search of a better life [Howe, Zaraysky and Lorentzen, 2008]; Hernández-Rosete Martínez, 2008]. However, the lack of work on the question of internal migrations, their determinants and consequences, is notable. In this article, an overview of contemporary studies that throw light on aspects related to the mobility of trans women is offered as the first step in a conceptualization of what elements would need to be taken into account for more in depth research into a phenomenon that is little known in academia.

Palabras llave : internal migration; displacement; transgender; violence; sex work.

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