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Estudios políticos (México)

versión impresa ISSN 0185-1616


BOLIVAR MEZA, Rosendo. El Partido del Trabajo: su política de alianzas a partir de 2006. Estud. polít. (Méx.) [online]. 2011, n.22, pp.173-208. ISSN 0185-1616.

The Labour Party is a monority political left party, which for political survival has been required to participate in electoral coalitions with other both parties minoritary and consolidated, have little influence on the design of the electoral platforms of the coalitions that participated during first twenty years of existence. In the field of electoral engineering, its candidates have been proposed only in the space granted them by the party that heads the coalition, usually only in the regions where the PT is present and where the consolidated tend to lack it.

Palabras llave : Labour Party; coalition For the Good of All; Broad Progressive Front; National Democratic Convention; coalition Save Mexico and Dialogue for the Reconstruction of Mexico.

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