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Estudios políticos (México)

versão impressa ISSN 0185-1616


VIDAL DE LA ROSA, Godofredo. Las desventajas de la desorganización: La Ciencia Política mexicana en su encrucijada. Estud. polít. (Méx.) [online]. 2011, n.22, pp.155-171. ISSN 0185-1616.

The article exposes that Mexican political science is at its crossroads. For the author the lack of a institutional support that gives shelter to their practitioners impact on the isolation and lack of methodological and theoretical maturity. Throughout the text are some of the elements considered important as: the lack of reflection on its current status as a discipline, the absence of internal debates that address their achievements and limitations, their new problems and their situation in the context of modern political science.

Palavras-chave : Mexican Political Science; organization; professionalization; methodology.

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