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Nueva antropología

versión impresa ISSN 0185-0636


MAGALLANES GONZALEZ, Ana Beatriz; LIMON AGUIRRE, Fernando  y  AYUS REYES, Ramfis. Body and soul nourishing: alimentary practices and beliefs during pregnancy in Tziscao, Chiapas. Nueva antropol [online]. 2005, vol.19, n.64, pp.131-148. ISSN 0185-0636.

This text proposes an analytical and interpretative approach to the alimentary practices and their symbolic supports during Tziscao women pregnancy in Chiapas, in order to distinguish the links between practices and beliefs related to the food, such as thermic balance and polarity, appetite, and forbidden foods during pregnancy, as well as their relationship with the body and soul. The Tziscao people's attitudes and beliefs about food come to our attention as their feeding practices are in constant transformation, depending on several factors, as accessibility, availability, information feedback and social prestige. The data was provided by the ethnographical field work, semi-standardized interviews and culinary workshops, in which the community's women participated.

Palabras llave : Pregnancy; food thermic polarity; nourishing; alimentary culture.

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