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Salud Pública de México

Print version ISSN 0036-3634


TORRES-ESTRADA, José Luis  and  RODRIGUEZ, Mario H. Physic-chemical signals involved in host localization and induction of disease vector mosquito bites. Salud pública Méx [online]. 2003, vol.45, n.6, pp.497-505. ISSN 0036-3634.

Disease vector female mosquitoes respond to physic-chemical signals to localize vertebrate hosts for blood meals. Zoophylic mosquitoes preferentially respond to CO2 and octenol released in the breath and bodily fluids, while anthropophylic mosquitoes respond to lactic acid and a variety of sweat compounds. These compounds are modified by saprophytic microorganisms in the skin sebaceous glands. Other factors present in human dwellings contribute to the integration of microsystems with characteristic odors that have different attraction for mosquitoes, explaining the focalization of malaria transmission in few households in endemic areas. The identification of the chemical attractants and their molecular receptors could be used to complement new methods to attract mosquitoes to traps during epidemiological surveys, to increase their contact with insecticides in control interventions, and for genetic manipulation to divert mosquito bites towards other animal populations.

Keywords : mosquitoes; attractants; human emanations; malaria; Mexico.

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