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vol.52 suppl.3Modelo de evaluación, para determinar la calidad de software de apoyo a la enseñanza de la física, basado en la concepción integrativo-adaptativaDinámica de osciladores acoplados por radiación índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista mexicana de física

versión impresa ISSN 0035-001X


RAMIREZ DE M, M; SANABRIA, I  y  ASPEE, M. Desarrollo de habilidades cognitivas en docentes universitarios: en la busqueda de un camino para su comprensión y mejoramiento. Rev. mex. fis. [online]. 2006, vol.52, suppl.3, pp.28-31. ISSN 0035-001X.

A study on the development of the cognitive abilities of physics university teachers was conducted by means of an Action Research Process. A theoretic model was developed to explain the processes teachers use to build up their own knowledge, concerned to the development of their own cognitive abilities. It is expected that by doing so the teachers will be able to help their own pupils to develop their cognitive abilities. Significant changes in cognitive structure of the teachers involved in the investigation and the presence of a system called GMHCB (Metacognition and basic Cognitive Abilities group) which is formed by the individual teachers thoughts and the common thought that emerged during the research, are reported. Also it is possible to conclude that the IAP is a promissory way to develop cognitive abilities of university teachers.

Palabras llave : Cognitive Abilities; metacognition; participative action research; physic's teacher training.

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