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Gaceta médica de México

versión On-line ISSN 2696-1288versión impresa ISSN 0016-3813


VASQUEZ-LASTRA, Carlos et al. Robotic surgery at ABC Medical Center: first 500 procedures experience. Gac. Méd. Méx [online]. 2021, vol.157, n.2, pp.188-193.  Epub 23-Jun-2021. ISSN 2696-1288.


Robotic surgery is used in different surgical specialties worldwide.


To documents the initial experience in a private hospital in the use robotic surgery in different surgical areas.

Material and Methods:

We included the first 500 robotic surgeries in our hospital in a 3 year period, documenting specialty and operative information.


Of the 500 patients, 367 (73.4%) were male and 133 (26.4%) female. The three most frequent surgeries performed were Radical Prostatectomy (269), Hysterectomy (64) an inguinal repair (33). A total of 40 certified surgeons ranging from 5 specialties performed the total number of surgeries.


There are several implications in starting a robotic program in a private hospital setting. The creation of a robotic committee, formed by robotic certified physicians and hospital authorities, has helped in the certification process of its staff, lowering the complication rate and obtaining better surgical results.

Palabras llave : Da Vinci; Robotic surgery; Initial experience; Prostatectomy; Hysterectomy.

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