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Revista mexicana de opinión pública

versión On-line ISSN 2448-4911versión impresa ISSN 1870-7300


SALAZAR REBOLLEDO, María Grisel  y  GARZA CASTRO, Paulina de la. Media Coverage of Femicides in Mexico. Heterogeneity and Variation. Rev. mex. opinión pública [online]. 2020, n.29, pp.111-125.  Epub 21-Oct-2020. ISSN 2448-4911.

How does the Mexican press cover femicides? News frames have a significant effect in how individuals conceive and interpret public issues. Previous findings indicate that predominantly femicides are portraited by the press as isolated events, blaming the victim, justifying the perpetrator and resorting to police officers as the main sources. Most of these patterns have been confirmed for Mexican case, but a generalized use of these frames remains contested. In this study, we aim to identify the news frames for two cases of femicide distinguishing among three elements of variation: newspapers, cases and time. Empirical evidence comes from 172 journalistic notes published by four Mexican newspapers between May and November 2017. Our results contribute to reject the idea of generalized news framing, by suggesting a research agenda that focuses on the differences in habits, practices, routines and values.

Palabras llave : National press; femicides; gender perspective; coverage analysis; news frames.

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