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Acta pediátrica de México

versión On-line ISSN 2395-8235versión impresa ISSN 0186-2391


GARCIA-PINA, Corina A.. Child sexuality: information to guide the clinical practice. Acta pediatr. Méx [online]. 2016, vol.37, n.1, pp.47-53. ISSN 2395-8235.

Sexuality is still considered taboo in our society; as such, it tends to hide or excised from the body. To provide information on sexuality is an essential part of a comprehensive education, necessary for healthy people development. Sexuality is present throughout the life cycle of human beings and is in the process of transformation. It does not have a single function; It is a dynamic process in constant evolution. In children it has a number of features that make it different from to adults, therefore, the aim of this paper is to provide a frame work on child psychosexual development in order to promote seeking more information and scientifically supported training.

Palabras llave : Infantile sexuality; integral development; stages of sexuality; taboo.

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