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Revista mexicana de física

versión impresa ISSN 0035-001X

Rev. mex. fis. vol.67 no.2 México mar./abr. 2021  Epub 16-Feb-2022 


Solid State Physics

Crystal structure and powder X-ray diffraction data of the super-paramagnetic compound CuFeInTe3

G. E. Delgadoa  f   

P. Grima-Gallardob  c 

J. A. Aitkend 

H. Cabrerae 

J. Cisternaf 

A. Cárdenasg 

I. Britof 

aLaboratorio de Cristalografía, Departamento de Química, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida, 5101, Venezuela.

bCentro de Estudios de Semiconductores, Departamento de Física, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida 5101, Venezuela.

cCentro Nacional de Tecnologías Ópticas y Centro Investigaciones de Astronomía, Mérida 5101, Venezuela.

dDepartment of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15282, United States.

eSezione di Trieste, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, 34149 Trieste, Italy.

fDepartamento de Química, Facultad de Ciencias Básicas, Universidad de Antofagasta, Avda. Universidad de Antofagasta 02800, Campus Coloso, Antofagasta, 1240000, Chile

gDepartamento de Física, Facultad de Ciencias Básicas, Universidad de Antofagasta, Avda. Universidad de Antofagasta 02800, Campus Coloso, Antofagasta, 1240000, Chile.


The crystal structure of the new CuFeInTe3 quaternary compound was studied by the Rietveld method from powder X-ray diffraction data. The CuFeInTe3 compound crystallize in the tetragonal CuFeInTe3-type structure with space group P4¯2c (N112), and unit cell parameters a = 6.1842(1) Å, c = 12.4163(2) Å, V = 474.85(1) Å3. The density of CuFeInTe3 is ρx = 5.753 g cm−3. The reliability factors of the Rietveld refinement results are R p = 5.5%, R wp = 6.1%, R exp = 4.7%, and S = 1.3. The powder XRD data of CuFeInTe3 are presented and the figures of merit of indexation are M 20 = 79.4 and F 30 = 43.3 (0.0045, 154).

Keywords: Crystal structure; powder X-ray diffraction data; Rietveld; chalcogenide; semiconductor; alloys

PACS: 61.05.cp; 61.50.Nw; 61.66.Fn; 61.40.b

1. Introduction

CuInTe2 is a well-known semiconductor of the I-III-VI2 family, which crystallizes in a chalcopyrite structure, space group I 2d (N121), with unit cell parameters a = 6.194(2) Å and c = 12.416(4) Å [1,2]. Recently, attention has been focused to explore their potential application in thermoelectric technology due to their moderate electrical transports and low thermal conductivity. A dimensionless figure of merit zT(= α 2 σT/κ, where α, σ, T, and κ are Seebeck coefficient, electrical conductivity, absolute temperature, and thermal conductivity, respectively) of 1.18 at 850 K has been reported, which is better than any other un-doped diamond-like material [3]. To enhance the figure of merit, CuInTe2 can be doped or alloyed; throughout these procedures, it is possible to tune the carrier concentration optimizing both electrical conductivity (σ) and power factor (α 2 σ) and also to create extrinsic defects which could greatly alter the electron and phonon transport properties. It has been reported [4] that when CuInTe2 is doped with Cd according with the general expression CuIn 1−x CdxTe2 (with x = 0,0.02, 0.05, and 0.1) the zT values were improved by over 100% at room temperature and around 20% at 600 K for x = 0.02 and 0.1, respectively. It had been also reported [5] that (CuInTe2) 1−X (ZnTe) X solid solutions (simultaneous Zn2+ substitution for both Cu+ and In3+) have a lower thermal conductivity than CuInTe2 and attained zT = 0.69 at 737 K, which is 1.65 times higher than the zT value of Zn-free CuInTe2.

Following this reasoning, the (CuInTe2) 1−X (ZnTe) X solid solutions system has been investigated, and more particularly the sample CuFeInTe3, which corresponds to the value of x = 0.5 (see Fig. 1). This quaternary compound is a semiconductor, belonging to the I-II-III-VI3 family, which has been studied for spintronic applications with interesting magnetic, thermal and thermoelectric properties. GrimaGallardo et al. suggest a super-paramagnetism behavior for CuFeInTe3 [6,7] and Cabrera et al. [8] have demonstrated that CuFeInTe3 is a promising n-type thermoelectric material applicable at high temperatures.

FIGURE 1 Compositional representation of the Cu-Fe-In-Te quaternary solid solutions system. 

For this compound, there are no reports on its powder diffraction pattern or its crystalline structure in the appropriate databases reviewed: Powder Diffraction File [9], Inorganic Crystal Structure Database (ICSD) [10], and Springer Materials [11]. Hence, here we present the structural characterization of the quaternary compound CuFeInTe3 using the Rietveld method to establish its crystal structure and report its powder X-ray diffraction data. The chemical structure was validated using the Bond Valence Sum (BVS) calculations [12,13].

2. Experimental

2.1. Synthesis

The chemical elements Cu, Fe, In, and Te (99.99% of purity, GoodFellow) in stoichiometric quantities, were introduced into a synthetic silica glass ampoule and sealed under vacuum (∼ 10−4 Torr). This ampoule was subjected to pyrolysis to avoid reaction of the starting materials with silica glass. The mixture was slowly heated up to 1500 K at a rate of 20 K/h, with a stop of 48 h at 722.5 K (melting temperature of Te) to maximize the formation of binary species at low temperature and minimize the presence of unreacted Te at high temperatures. To ensure complete mixing of all elements, the ampule was kept under constant stirring. At the maximum temperature (1500 K) the ampoule was kept for 48 h and it starts cooling at a rate of 20 K/h, until 873 K which was kept for 30 days. Finally, it was cooled to room temperature at a rate of 10 K/h. The color of the obtained ingots was bright gray and seemed to be homogeneous.

2.2. Powder X-ray diffraction

The specimen of CuFeInTe3 for XRD measurements was ground in an agate mortar and pestle to a particle size of fewer than 106 µm. Powder X-ray diffraction pattern was collected at room temperature (298 K) on a PANalytical X’Pert Pro MPD powder X-ray diffractometer operating in Bragg-Brentano geometry using CuKα radiation (λ = 1.5418 Å). A tube power of 45 kV and 40 mA was employed. A nickel filter was used in the diffracted beam optics and the data were collected with the X’Celerator one-dimensional silicon strip detector. A 1/4divergent slit, a 1/2anti-scatter slit, and a 0.02 rad soller slit were set at both the incident and diffracted beams. The scan range was from 10 to 1402θ with a step size of 0.008and a scan speed of 0.0106/s. The analytical software package Highscore Plus (PANalytical, Almelo, Netherlands) was used to establish the positions of the peaks from the α1 component, strip mathematically the α2 component from each reflection, and to determine the peak intensities of the diffraction peaks (Table I). For the Rietveld refinement, the whole diffraction data was used.

TABLE I X-ray powder diffraction data of the quaternary CuFeInTe3

2θobs(◦) dobs(Å) (I/I0)obs h k l 2θcal(◦) dcal(Å) ∆2θ()
16.001 5.5341 1.0 1 0 1 15.994 5.5367 -0.007
24.896 3.5734 100.0 1 1 2 24.889 3.5743 -0.007
25.920 3.4345 3.1 1 0 3 25.915 3.4352 -0.005
28.829 3.0942 1.9 2 0 0 28.826 3.0945 -0.003
0 0 4 28.800 3.0973
33.141 2.7008 6.4 2 1 1 33.135 2.7013 -0.006
1 0 5 39.126 2.3003
39.143 2.2994 1.6 2 1 3 39.146 2.2992 0.003
41.199 2.1892 47.0 2 0 4 41.201 2.1891 0.002
41.222 2.1881 30.8 2 2 0 41.220 2.1882 -0.002
44.487 2.0348 2.6 3 0 1 44.482 2.0350 -0.005
1 1 6 48.720 1.8674
48.755 1.8662 26.0 3 1 2 48.753 1.8662 -0.002
53.819 1.7019 0.9 1 0 7 53.828 1.7016 0.009
3 2 1 53.874 1.7003
55.509 1.6540 0.8 3 2 2 55.502 1.6542 -0.007
58.136 1.5854 1.9 3 0 5 58.134 1.5854 -0.002
3 2 3 58.148 1.5851
59.650 1.5487 2.5 0 0 8 59.653 1.5486 0.003
59.712 1.5472 4.1 4 0 0 59.711 1.5473 -0.001
2 1 7 62.205 1.4911
62.239 1.4904 0.9 0 4 1 62.247 1.4902 0.008
3 1 6 65.674 1.4205
65.704 1.4199 8.4 3 3 2 65.702 1.4199 -0.002
66.161 1.4112 1.7 3 2 5 66.170 1.4110 0.009
4 1 3 66.183 1.4108
67.589 1.3848 0.7 2 0 8 67.584 1.3849 -0.005
4 0 4 67.624 1.3842
73.732 1.2839 0.7 4 1 5 73.733 1.2839 0.001
75.078 1.2642 9.4 2 2 8 75.083 1.2641 0.005
4 2 4 75.122 1.2635
77.379 1.2322 0.9 3 2 7 77.379 1.2322 0.000
4 3 1 77.418 1.2317
80.509 1.1920 2.9 1 1 10 80.504 1.1921 -0.005
3 3 6 80.555 1.1914
81.017 1.1858 0.7 4 3 3 81.025 1.1857 0.008
82.786 1.1649 0.7 4 0 7 82.787 1.1649 0.001
5 1 3 82.818 1.1645
84.551 1.1450 0.8 3 0 9 84.548 1.1451 -0.003
4 1 7 84.573 1.1448
88.075 1.1081 0.8 1 0 11 88.074 1.1081 -0.001
89.441 1.0947 4 0 8 89.450 1.0946 0.009
4 4 0 89.500 1.0941
94.749 1.0468 2.0 3 1 10 94.752 1.0468 0.003
5 1 6 94.802 1.0464
98.780 1.0146 0.7 4 1 9 98.789 1.0145 0.009
4 3 7 98.814 1.0144

3. Results and discussion

The experimental (Yobs in red) powder XRD pattern of CuFeInTe3 is shown in Fig. 2. An automatic search in the PDF-ICDD database [9], using the software available with the diffractometer, indicated that the powder pattern contained small amounts of Fe 1.125 Te (PDF N01-080-0280). Bragg positions of the diffraction lines from this compound are also indicated in Fig. 2. The 20 first peak positions of the main phase, CuFeInTe3, were successfully indexed using the Dicvol04 program [14], in a tetragonal unit cell with parameters slightly shorter than those of the ternary chalcopyrite parent CuInTe2 [2].

FIGURE 2 Rietveld refinement final plot of CuFeInTe3. The lower trace is the difference curve between observed and calculated patterns. The Bragg reflections are indicated by vertical bars. 

A space group search using ExtSym program [15] suggested the space group P4¯2c which is consistent with the systematic absences.

The complete powder diffraction dataset was reviewed in the tetragonal space group P4¯2c by using the program NBS*AIDS [16]. From this analysis, the refined unit-cell parameters obtained were: a = 6.1891(3) Å and c = 12.3891(6) Å, with figures of merit M 20 = 79.4 [17] and F 30 = 43.3 (0.0045, 154) [18]. The resulting powder X-ray diffraction data for CuFeInTe3, together with the observed and calculated 2θ, the d-spacing’s as well as the relative intensities of the reflections, are given in Table I. These data will be submitted to the Powder Diffraction File of the International Centre for Diffraction Data [9].

The Rietveld refinement technique [19] with the software Fullprof version 7.30, March 2020 [20] was used to determine the structure of CuFeInTe3.

The starting structure model used was that of the parent compound CuFeInSe3 [21] and the unit cell parameters were those obtained from the NBS*AIDS refinement. Atomic positions of the Fe 1.125 Te binary [22] were included as a secondary phase in the refinement. The peak profiles were described using a parametrized pseudo-Voight function [23,24]. The background was described by the automatic interpolation of 123 points throughout the whole pattern. With the diffraction data available it was only possible to describe the thermal motion of the atoms by one overall isotropic temperature factor. A total of 23 parameters of the CuFeInTe3 compound were refined, including peak shape parameters, scale factor, cell parameters, atomic coordinates, isotropic displacement parameters, and full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) parameters. The final Rietveld refinement led to agreement factors of: R exp = 4.7%, R p = 5.5%, R wp = 6.1%, and S = 1.3, respectively Rexp=100[(N-P+C)/w(yobs2)]1/2, Rp=100|yobs-ycalc|/|yobs|, Rwp=100[w|yobs-ycalc|2/w|yobs|2]1/2, S=[RwpRexp], NP +C is the number of degrees of freedom).

Figure 2 shows the results of the Rietveld refinement of CuFeInTe3. The calculated powder pattern is shown as a solid black color line. The solid blue line is the difference between the calculated and experimental powder XRD patterns. The vertical green lines show expected Bragg diffraction peaks calculated as per space group P4¯2c. Details of refinement values are summarized in Table II. A semi-quantitative analysis [25] from the final Rietveld refinement converged to the weight fraction percentages: CuFeInTe3 (91.9%) and Fe 1.125 Te (8.1%). Table III shown the atomic coordinates, thermal displacement factors, bond distances, and angles for CuFeInTe3. Unit cell diagram for this quaternary compound is shown in Fig. 3.

TABLE II Rietveld refinement results for CuFeInTe3

Molecular formula CuFeInTe3 Wavelength (CuKα) (Å) 1.5418
Molecular weight (g/mol) 386.66 Range 2θ() 10-140
a(Å) 6.1842(1) Step size () 0.008
c(Å) 12.4163(2) Counting Time (s) 40
V3) 474.85(1) Nintensities 4501
η = c/2a 2.01 Independent reflections 322
System tetragonal Rexp(%) 4.7
Space group P4¯2c (N112) Rp (%) 5.5
Z 8/3 Rwp(%) 6.1
ρx (g cm−3) 5.753 S 1.3

TABLE III Atomic coordinates, isotropic temperature factor, and selected geometric parameters (Å, ) for CuFeInTe3, derived from the Rietveld refinement. Bond valence sum (BVS) results are shown, M = (1/3Cu +1/3Fe +1/3In). 

Atom Ox. BVS Wyck. x y z foc B (A˚ 2)
Cu +1 1.37 2c 0 1/2 1/4 1 0.35(2)
Fe +2 2.35 2e 0 0 0 1 0.35(2)
In +3 3.43 2b 1/2 0 1/4 1 0.35(2)
M 2f 1/2 1/2 1/2 1 0.35(2)
Te -2 2.37 8n 0.2534(1) 0.2563(1) 0.1176(1) 1 0.35(2)

Cu - Te 2.665(1) Fe - Te 2.726(1) In - Tei 2.746(1)
Teii - Cu - Teiii 107.8(1) x4 Te - Fe - Tev 111.0(1) x4 Tei - In - Tevii 110.6(1) x4
Teii - Cu - Teiv 112.8(1) x2 Te - Fe - Tevi 105.7(1) x2 Tei - In - Teviii 106.5(1) x2

Symmetry codes: (i) 0.5-x, 0.5-y, 0.5+z; (ii) y, x, z; (iii) 0.5-x, 0.5+y, 0.5-z; (iv) -y, 1-x, z; (v) -x, -y, z; (vi) y, -x, -z; (vii) 0.5-y, -0.5+x, 0.5-z; (viii) -0.5+x, -0.5+y, 0.5+z.

Bond valence sum (BVS): Vij=jexp([Ro-Rij]/b) ,b = 0.37 Å, ro(Cu-Te) = 2.27 Å, ro(Fe-Te) = 2.53 Å, ro(In-Te) = 2.69 Å.

FIGURE 3 Unit cell diagram of the ternary CuInTe2 (P4¯2c) chalcopyrite structure a) and the quaternary CuFeInTe3 (P4¯2c) structure, b) showing the tetrahedra around the cations. The two structures differ in the arrangement of cations. 

In this system (CuInTe2) 1−X (ZnTe) X , with composition x = 0.5, introducing an additional cation (Fe) to the ternary CuInTe2 leads to symmetry reduction from the chalcopyrite structure P4¯2c to a related P4¯2c known as P-chalcopyrite [26]. In Fig. 3 it is possible to observe a comparison, with the tetrahedra pointed in the same direction, between the two structures: the ordered chalcopyrite P4¯2c structure of CuInTe2 and the partially disordered P4¯2c structure of CuFeInTe3. The quaternary compound CuFeInTe3 has a normal adamantane-structure and can be described as a derivative of the sphalerite structure [27]. The main features in the crystal structure are tetrahedral; each cation is coordinated by four anions (Te) and each anion is coordinated by four cations (one Cu, one Fe, one In, and one M) located at the corners of a slightly distorted tetrahedron. The tetrahedra containing the cations atoms have to mean Te...Te distances; 4.279(1) Å for M, 4.456(1) Å for Fe, 4.307(1) Å for Cu, 4.487(1) Å for In, respectively.

The interatomic Cu-Te [(2.665(1) Å], Fe-Te [2.726(1) Å], and In-Te [2.746(1) Å] are somewhat smaller than the sum of the respective ionic radii for structures tetrahedrally bonded [28]. However, correlates well with those found in the adamantane structures CuInTe2 [14], AgIn5Te8 [29], CuTa2InTe4 [30], Cu3NbTe4 [31], Fe2GeTe4 [32], Ag2FeGeTe4 [33], AgInTe2 [34], CuCo2InTe4 and CuNi2InTe4 [35], Cu3In7Te12 [36] and Cu3In5Te9 [37].

The Bond Valence Sum (BVS) values, for Cu, Fe, In, and Te were calculated using the Brown-Altermatt empirical expression [11,12]. The BVS of an atom i is defined as the sum of the bond valences V ij of all the bonds from atoms i to atoms j and the usually accepted empirical expression for BVS is V ij = exp[(R o d ij )/B, where d ij is the interatomic distance and B is taken to be a “universal” constant equal to 0.37 Å. The values for the reference distance Ro are 2.27 Å, 2.53 Å, and 2.69 Å, for Cu-Te, Fe-Te, and In-Te, respectively [12]. The calculated oxidation states agree with the expected formal oxidation states for Cu+, Fe2+, In3+, and Te2− ions, whose results can also be seen in Table III.

4. Conclusions

The powder X-ray diffraction data and crystal structure of the super-paramagnetic semiconductor CuFeInTe3 is reported. This compound, refined by the Rietveld method, crystallizes in a P-chalcopyrite structure with a partially disorder cation distribution. Structurally it corresponds to a new adamantane compound and consists of a three-dimensional arrangement of slightly distorted CuTe4, FeTe4, and InTe4 tetrahedra connected by common corners. The chemical structural model was checked by analysis of the interatomic distances using the Bond Valence Sum (BVS) formula based on bondstrength examination.


This work was partial performed by G.E. Delgado during a visit at the Universidad de Antofagasta, supported by MINEDUC-UA project, code ANT 1856. We thank to CDCHTA-ULA (grant C-1885-14-05-B) and FONACIT (grants LAB-97000821 and 2011001341).


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Received: November 07, 2020; Accepted: November 29, 2020

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