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vol.53 suppl.4Relativistic particles with auxiliary variables índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista mexicana de física

versión impresa ISSN 0035-001X

Rev. mex. fis. vol.53  supl.4 México ago. 2007




The present collection of scientific papers were presented during the VI Workshop of the Gravity and Mathematical Physics Division of the Mexican Physical Society (VI Taller de la Division de Gravitación y Física Matematica (DGFM) de la Sociedad Mexicana de Física (SMF)), which was held in Metepec, Puebla, Mexico, November 20–25, 2005.

The papers presented here have all been refereed, and constitute a small sample of the research in gravitation and mathematical physics that is currently been done in Mexico, always keeping a close contact with the international community as can be seen from the list of authors.

We want to thank the support from all the different Institutions that made possible the success of our VI Workshop: (BUAP, SMF, CONACYT, ININ, ICN–UNAM, CINVESTAV, UAM–I, UMSNH, Univ. de Guanajuato, Univ. Iberoamericana). In particular, we wish to thank the University of Puebla (Benemérita Universidad Autonóma de Puebla) for its support as the host Institution for this workshop.


Miguel Alcubierre Moya
Héctor Hugo García Compeán
Luis Arturo Ureña López
Cupatitzio Ramírez Romero
Oscar Martínez Bravo

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