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Ecosistemas y recursos agropecuarios

versão On-line ISSN 2007-901Xversão impressa ISSN 2007-9028


MORENO-CABRERA, Gemma Arintzy; ALVAREZ-ARTEAGA, Gustavo; OROZCO-HERNANDEZ, María Estela  e  REYES-ZUAZO, María Antonieta. Primary treatment of water stored in rustic ponds through the application of chemical and biological coagulants. Ecosistemas y recur. agropecuarios [online]. 2021, vol.8, n.2, e2734.  Epub 14-Nov-2022. ISSN 2007-901X.

The study evaluated the coagulant effect of Moringa oleifera seed extract alone or in combination with aluminium sulphate for the treatment of stored water in a rustic pond. Four treatments were tested from the individual and combined use of the extract with aluminium sulphate at 60, 120 and 180 minutes of sedimentation. The combined treatments had removals greater than 95% of turbidity in the first 60 minutes, while the application of Moringa oleifera at 100% had a maximum removal of 90% up to 180 minutes. In the aluminium sulphate treatments there was a decrease in the pH in the water. The combination of Moringa oleifera seed extract and aluminium sulphate in a 70/30 w / w ratio presented the highest removal efficiency and sedimentation time, with the advantage of reducing costs and sediments with aluminium.

Palavras-chave : Biological coagulant; Moringa oleifera; aluminium sulphate; turbidity; water treatment.

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