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versão On-line ISSN 2594-1917versão impressa ISSN 1870-0063


ANTA, José-Luis  e  GARCIA MANSO, Almudena. Young-girl! Mon amour! An approach to the gender without love of the current post-capitalist market. Andamios [online]. 2022, vol.19, n.50, pp.389-406.  Epub 29-Set-2023. ISSN 2594-1917.

The Young-Girl is one of the post-capitalist figures who have most strongly entered the panorama of post-gender thinking. Conceived by the French philosophical group Tiqqun, it is based on the idea that the technologies based on the new forms of biopower structured in the porno-pharmacopoeia, which allows bodies to be built around the idea of gender as a definitive element of the heterocentric structures. This body is already a universal criterion, all desire without more feeling than selfishness, and that raises a space of production, consumption and transformation to an individuality of payment. The Young-Girl is a unique social that campaigns on itself to appropriate feminist struggles, social movements and critical ways to trivialize everything around simulation, emptiness and absolute love.

Palavras-chave : Post-gender; queer; tiqqun; love; young-girl.

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