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versão On-line ISSN 1665-1456


NOLASCO-CANCINO, H; JARQUIN-MARTINEZ, D; RUIZ-TERAN, F  e  SANTIAGO-URBINA, JA. Behavior of the volatile compounds regulated by the Mexican Official Standard NOM-070-SCFI-2016 during the distillation of artisanal Mezcal. Biotecnia [online]. 2022, vol.24, n.2, pp.20-27.  Epub 19-Maio-2023. ISSN 1665-1456.

Mezcal is produced by the fermentation of maguey juice followed by a double distillation in copper stills. During the second distillation, three distillate cuts or fractions are separated: head, heart, and tail. The present study aimed to determine the progress of those volatile compounds regulated by the NOM-070-SCFI-2016 during the first and second distillation process. Aliquots were collected directly from the distillate flow of the artisanal Mezcal batch and analyzed by gas chromatography and digital densitometer. The head fraction was collected from 77.71 to 74.30 % (v/v) of ethanol, the heart fraction to 28.83 % (v/v), and the tail fraction collected until 14.44 % (v/v). The first liter of each fraction contained 1731.86, 656.54, and 102.6 mg/100 mL a.a. (anhy-drous alcohol) of esters; 421.21, 452.28, and 40.26 mg/100 mL a.a. of higher alcohols; 72.86, 35.37, and 1.77 mg/100 mL a.a. of aldehydes; 135.33, 142.95, and 247.6 mg/100 mL a.a. of methanol; 0.30, 0.45, and 3.04 mg/100 mL a.a. of furfural. Higher alcohols, esters, and aldehydes predominate at the beginning of the distillation, while furfural and methanol prevail at the end. These results will be useful for the Maestros mezcaleros, contributing to a better quality control of Mezcal.

Palavras-chave : artisanal Mezcal; distillation; volatile compounds; distillation cuts.

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