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Revista electrónica de investigación educativa

versão On-line ISSN 1607-4041


PEREZ-LOPEZ, Eva  e  ALZAS, Teresa. Analytical Framework for Emergency Remote Education in Universities During Lockdown. REDIE [online]. 2023, vol.25, e12.  Epub 26-Jun-2023. ISSN 1607-4041.

This paper presents a framework based on three dimensions (material, educational, and psychoemotional) to explore the characteristics, processes, and outcomes of emergency remote education introduced by in-person universities during the COVID-19 pandemic. With this aim, two ad hoc questionnaires were designed and administered in April-May to a sample of 220 teachers and 548 students in a Spanish university. The most significant findings show digital inequality between students in terms of technological equipment and the quality of connectivity. Remote education was designed as a way to transfer the in-person teaching model to a virtual environment. Both teachers and students experienced an overload of work, which may help to explain the high levels of stress experienced by both groups. The research concludes with proposals to improve the quality and effectiveness of distance learning in any future crises.

Palavras-chave : pandemics; distance education; higher education; student teacher relationship; satisfaction.

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